i kind of love the fact that i'm eternally optimistic.
trust me, you should listen to the whole song. maybe, just maybe, you'll learn something. :-)
here's to all the haters of the world...
things that might make sense
maybe it's because i'm the world-class cuddle champ, but i really love the message in this song. so often people get caught up in wo...
i generally find myself in rather peculiar situations. it's just the way i roll. yesterday was no different. after a tumultuous go of fi...
last time i consulted the calendar, the year was 2010. it amazes me how the idea of a modern, forward-moving society seems a facade, at be...
coffee from Asia makes me happy. mmm.
in an effort to not angry blog, i've taken a few days to think about some things that have been bothering me. i had dinner with two of t...
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Sunday, April 26, 2009
mr. amazing
so, lately i feel that i've been rather negative in my approach to people and life on here, mainly of the male variety.
so i've decided to make this a happy blog. as women, we've got so many menskies to be thankful for!
there are so many crazies out there. 1 in 25 americans are sociopaths, whether they know it or not. these people literally get joy out of creating misery and confusion in a person's life. 1 in 50 americans are obsessive compulsive. so many people suffer with depression and other disorders that alter their personalities.
so often they get all of the credit, but i'm kind of over that.
so, here's to the amazings.
here's to the boyfriend who gets to know his girlfriend's friends.
here's to the husband who calls his wife's best friend when he needs help cheering her up.
here's to the brother who cares enough about his sister to take an interest in who she's dating.
here's to the father that wakes up a little early to call his daughter in the morning before he goes to work.
here's to the grandpa that smack talks his granddaughter's x-boyfriend. bahahaha. (ask and i will tell you)
here's to the uncle who learns how to text message so his niece will be proud of him.
here's to the step-dad who makes an effort.
here's to the friend that encourages and reminds her of her worth.
here's to men, really.
these are just some personal examples from my life. i'd really like to hear about the amazing men in your life. tell me, tell me!
so i've decided to make this a happy blog. as women, we've got so many menskies to be thankful for!
there are so many crazies out there. 1 in 25 americans are sociopaths, whether they know it or not. these people literally get joy out of creating misery and confusion in a person's life. 1 in 50 americans are obsessive compulsive. so many people suffer with depression and other disorders that alter their personalities.
so often they get all of the credit, but i'm kind of over that.
so, here's to the amazings.
here's to the boyfriend who gets to know his girlfriend's friends.
here's to the husband who calls his wife's best friend when he needs help cheering her up.
here's to the brother who cares enough about his sister to take an interest in who she's dating.
here's to the father that wakes up a little early to call his daughter in the morning before he goes to work.
here's to the grandpa that smack talks his granddaughter's x-boyfriend. bahahaha. (ask and i will tell you)
here's to the uncle who learns how to text message so his niece will be proud of him.
here's to the step-dad who makes an effort.
here's to the friend that encourages and reminds her of her worth.
here's to men, really.
these are just some personal examples from my life. i'd really like to hear about the amazing men in your life. tell me, tell me!
Friday, April 24, 2009
ooo, girl, shock me like an electric eel
Thursday, April 23, 2009
so many things
i'm having a difficult time focusing.
there are so many things going on right now...
of course work (and there is plenty of that), shakespeare's bday, talibanian militia advancing in pakistan, meg's baby shower, magazine articles, gm is bankrupt, h&m dropped their new line today, vp of myspace "stepped down," orange and wikipedia are now partners(?), apple is making money right now, and i have a date tonight with the guy my brother has hand picked for me.
some days i want to throw it all in and move to ikiria.
ps. my vitality compass said that my age from lifestyle is 21, i'm projected to live until 97.3. i'll take it.
there are so many things going on right now...
of course work (and there is plenty of that), shakespeare's bday, talibanian militia advancing in pakistan, meg's baby shower, magazine articles, gm is bankrupt, h&m dropped their new line today, vp of myspace "stepped down," orange and wikipedia are now partners(?), apple is making money right now, and i have a date tonight with the guy my brother has hand picked for me.
some days i want to throw it all in and move to ikiria.
ps. my vitality compass said that my age from lifestyle is 21, i'm projected to live until 97.3. i'll take it.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
today, but tomorow
today is earth day, but tomorrow is talk like shakespeare day.
sigh. i love that man.
even though, if living, he'd be around 445. hawt.
fie, thou fellow minions, we shall celebrate thy brevity of life in spirit of literary furor!
sigh. i love that man.
even though, if living, he'd be around 445. hawt.
fie, thou fellow minions, we shall celebrate thy brevity of life in spirit of literary furor!
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Monday, April 20, 2009
for the love of pirates
i knew there was a reason that i loved pirates so much.
they are go-getters, always thriving on insecurity. if a person didn't have the ability to do that, then nothing would ever be accomplished.
yes, pirates are kind of jerks. they steal things and off people. if fact, they are some of the biggest bullies in history (and now today). however, i still find myself drawn to them.
i've always been a fan of the underdog.
i admire that you always know what to expect from a pirate. their angle is unruly, and it has worked for them since the middle ages.
so, even though all the evidence points towards disliking pirates...maybe i'm a little unruly as well.
i knew there was a reason that i loved pirates so much.
they are go-getters, always thriving on insecurity. if a person didn't have the ability to do that, then nothing would ever be accomplished.
yes, pirates are kind of jerks. they steal things and off people. if fact, they are some of the biggest bullies in history (and now today). however, i still find myself drawn to them.
i've always been a fan of the underdog.
i admire that you always know what to expect from a pirate. their angle is unruly, and it has worked for them since the middle ages.
so, even though all the evidence points towards disliking pirates...maybe i'm a little unruly as well.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
WARNING: sometimes fashion includes eyemakeup
okay...French Elle is scraping, in my opinion.
this is currently all the rage... French Elle
sometimes the french are known to have a bit of a chip on their shoulder. i've had very limited contact with people from france, so i don' think it's entirely fair to make that assertion.
although, the 3 french girls that i know...well, they all fit the bill.
we get it. you are french. you are gorgeous...you have high cheek bones, just the perfect amount of confidence, your legs are long, and you have a stylist following you around 24/7.
maybe you choose not to wear eyemakeup. good for you! some days i prefer to go without. do i need a medal? no.
fashion is about what you want, what you feel. if you feel sexy while wearing eyemakeup, that does not make you any less naturally beautifully (inside or out).
and frankly, when i do have time to sit down with a magazine, i want some glamour in my life!
yes, i think it's lovely to embrace true beauty (whatever that may be to you), but to try and put a makeup-less goddess on a cover and act like it's the new rage...that's silly.
if you want to go with the "organic beauty" look, there are plenty of all-natural products that you can use and still wear makeup.
below are some april covers for elle...us, russia, canda, france, and uk.
this is currently all the rage... French Elle
sometimes the french are known to have a bit of a chip on their shoulder. i've had very limited contact with people from france, so i don' think it's entirely fair to make that assertion.
although, the 3 french girls that i know...well, they all fit the bill.
we get it. you are french. you are gorgeous...you have high cheek bones, just the perfect amount of confidence, your legs are long, and you have a stylist following you around 24/7.
maybe you choose not to wear eyemakeup. good for you! some days i prefer to go without. do i need a medal? no.
fashion is about what you want, what you feel. if you feel sexy while wearing eyemakeup, that does not make you any less naturally beautifully (inside or out).
and frankly, when i do have time to sit down with a magazine, i want some glamour in my life!
yes, i think it's lovely to embrace true beauty (whatever that may be to you), but to try and put a makeup-less goddess on a cover and act like it's the new rage...that's silly.
if you want to go with the "organic beauty" look, there are plenty of all-natural products that you can use and still wear makeup.
below are some april covers for elle...us, russia, canda, france, and uk.
the only thing all these have in common are that all the above women are beautiful.
i feel that kate winslet's russian cover is the most fitting. she's looks stunning, classy, and edgy all in one. it embodies what a good, fashion magazine cover should look like, in my opinion.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
sad, sad day
i've realized today that coffee is a lot like my last relationship...

while it is delicious during the intake, afterward i am left feeling anxious with my heart hurting.

so, for health reasons, i've decided that i'm going all tea. :-(
i love tea just as much as i love coffee, so it isn't a total loss.

it still makes me ridiculously sad, actually more sad than my last break-up.
oh well, it's for my health...again, like my last break-up.

geeze i'm funny.
while it is delicious during the intake, afterward i am left feeling anxious with my heart hurting.
so, for health reasons, i've decided that i'm going all tea. :-(
i love tea just as much as i love coffee, so it isn't a total loss.
it still makes me ridiculously sad, actually more sad than my last break-up.
oh well, it's for my health...again, like my last break-up.
geeze i'm funny.
Monday, April 13, 2009
when you need a planner for your planner
women can fake an orgasm, but men can fake an entire relationship.
my friend told me this, and i'm sure i've heard it before, but it had been some time. anyway, i thought it was funny.
how true is it? and, are women just as susceptible to detachment as men?
i would be interested in your thoughts on the matter...
life is so good right now. busy, but good. i'm finding that every day is pretty exciting. i'm too exhausted to blog about this weekend, but it was actually quite fun. being in lawton is never top on my list, but my family is worth it!
Friday, April 10, 2009
can't be bothered
with moving today.
i worked out for a ridiculous amount of hours yesterday, and now i'm sore pretty much everywhere on my entire body.
but, i probably won't work out again until sunday, so that's perfect.
last night we decorated easter eggs, played flux, and drank some cocktails. it was lovely.
i love that i only have cool people in my life now, quality people who don't change with the wind (there's a lot of wind in oklahoma) or only offer conditional love.
i worked out for a ridiculous amount of hours yesterday, and now i'm sore pretty much everywhere on my entire body.
but, i probably won't work out again until sunday, so that's perfect.
last night we decorated easter eggs, played flux, and drank some cocktails. it was lovely.
i love that i only have cool people in my life now, quality people who don't change with the wind (there's a lot of wind in oklahoma) or only offer conditional love.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
you arrrrrr special to me
current obsession:
i want, i want!
i want, i want!
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
evacuations and heinekens
well, last night, katie and i were sitting on the couch, watching sex and the city, when blaring noises interrupted our delightful evening. we exchanged looks of confusion and contempt and began to walk about the apartment to gather what we needed to retreat down our 12 stories.
i did remember bailey, but i forgot my wallet (ID, money, everything). i also remembered my keys, so we headed down to the 7-11 and got some goods.
by the time we got back, the firemen had cleared our floor, so we returned and drank. it was fun...until this morning. oye. 5:30 comes sooooo early!
also, might i add, katie detoured me from being attracted to a rocker-looking guy. (this was earlier in the day after our workout)
basically, i find myself attracted to unmotivated, egocentric, tattooed, mysterious (ie. shady), tortured souls. what's the deal, yo!? it's soooo destructive! but, i've recognized the pattern and intend to change it...a little. i still like a challenge, just not an incorrigible soul.
after katie pointed out that it looked as if we'd have to lay plastic down to even allow him in our apartment (which i laughed really loud about), i kind of began to see her angle. so, thanks katie, for saving me from a loser man. :-)
still...the tatted sleeves were hawt. and, i kind of liked his crazy hair.
current addiction: the gym
i did remember bailey, but i forgot my wallet (ID, money, everything). i also remembered my keys, so we headed down to the 7-11 and got some goods.
by the time we got back, the firemen had cleared our floor, so we returned and drank. it was fun...until this morning. oye. 5:30 comes sooooo early!
also, might i add, katie detoured me from being attracted to a rocker-looking guy. (this was earlier in the day after our workout)
basically, i find myself attracted to unmotivated, egocentric, tattooed, mysterious (ie. shady), tortured souls. what's the deal, yo!? it's soooo destructive! but, i've recognized the pattern and intend to change it...a little. i still like a challenge, just not an incorrigible soul.
after katie pointed out that it looked as if we'd have to lay plastic down to even allow him in our apartment (which i laughed really loud about), i kind of began to see her angle. so, thanks katie, for saving me from a loser man. :-)
still...the tatted sleeves were hawt. and, i kind of liked his crazy hair.
current addiction: the gym
Monday, April 6, 2009
it's won't be soon before long
on the commute to lovely mustang, oklahoma, katie and i had a discussion about the state of oklahoma. like the actual, 46th welcomed US state.
the question that katie brought up was that, is oklahoma a trap? even though most want to get out of oklahoma (or maybe many say that and don't mean it), is it just too difficult in most cases?
with the ridiculously low cost of living, the fact that's it's "home," or just it's general charm (let's face it, people. oklahomans are friendly ol chaps), is oklahoma a dream vortex?
there is an odd mixture of mid-western ideals, over-seasoned with the christian beliefs that the bible belt implants from an early age. i think most people are reared and raised to be oklahomans for life.
unless extremely driven, i think that most people will stay oklahomans for life. in my case, from an early age i knew that i wanted to move out of oklahoma.
i'm 25 and still here (after a short stint in dallas). i guess 25 isn't so old, and technically, since i take care of my own stuff, the last year and half is really the only time that i've had the option to move.
moving takes planning and money, so really, i'm not that behind. i feel like i am, but then i remember that's probably due to the ideals that were impressed on me when i was younger. the idea that i need to be married, with-child, and a homeowner by my mid-twenties.
that's rubbish. the twenties are for exploration. and i'm keeping mine locked down for just that.
current addiction:

raaaawwrrr. let's make babies.
the question that katie brought up was that, is oklahoma a trap? even though most want to get out of oklahoma (or maybe many say that and don't mean it), is it just too difficult in most cases?
with the ridiculously low cost of living, the fact that's it's "home," or just it's general charm (let's face it, people. oklahomans are friendly ol chaps), is oklahoma a dream vortex?
there is an odd mixture of mid-western ideals, over-seasoned with the christian beliefs that the bible belt implants from an early age. i think most people are reared and raised to be oklahomans for life.
unless extremely driven, i think that most people will stay oklahomans for life. in my case, from an early age i knew that i wanted to move out of oklahoma.
i'm 25 and still here (after a short stint in dallas). i guess 25 isn't so old, and technically, since i take care of my own stuff, the last year and half is really the only time that i've had the option to move.
moving takes planning and money, so really, i'm not that behind. i feel like i am, but then i remember that's probably due to the ideals that were impressed on me when i was younger. the idea that i need to be married, with-child, and a homeowner by my mid-twenties.
that's rubbish. the twenties are for exploration. and i'm keeping mine locked down for just that.
current addiction:
raaaawwrrr. let's make babies.
i'm talking about:
bible belt,
Saturday, April 4, 2009
when your mind's made up
today started out lovely.
i've kind of realized that i'm in this new, weird place that i don't really care about dating.
generally, i can tell whether i want to spend more time with someone in about 15-20 minutes. (usually)
although i guess it's nice to get the attention, i'm not sure that it's worth it. i don't have a problem being by myself. in fact, i almost prefer it. i'm finding that there are few people out there truly worth the time of having a romantic relationship with. until i find that person, then i guess i'm kind of kissing dating goodbye. haha. that's kind of weird to say, and i thought it was hilarious that promptly after i finished that book (I Kissed Dating Goodbye), he wrote a book about marriage with his wife. at the time i didn't really understand how that could come about, since he wasn't dating.
but now, i completely understand.
basically, i feel that accepting a date from a boy that i have no intention of starting a relationship with is a weakness. i feel that it makes it seem that i'm being validated through this male attention. the truth is that i don't really want or need that, so i would rather choose strength and find other, better things to do with my time.
so, until i find someone with a sexy soul, i'm going to be content with just me. :-)
maybe you are wondering where i'll ever meet a man or get a boyfriend. well, i'm okay with testing this theory for a while and seeing what kind of quality is produced. if and when i get desperate, then maybe i'll accept a date from a dull, uninteresting, less than intelligent bloke.
instead of going on a bunch of dates with people that i already know i dont' want to spend more time with, i'm going to spend time with those that i love and care about.
i'll keep you posted on this, as i've been known to change my mind.
i've kind of realized that i'm in this new, weird place that i don't really care about dating.
generally, i can tell whether i want to spend more time with someone in about 15-20 minutes. (usually)
although i guess it's nice to get the attention, i'm not sure that it's worth it. i don't have a problem being by myself. in fact, i almost prefer it. i'm finding that there are few people out there truly worth the time of having a romantic relationship with. until i find that person, then i guess i'm kind of kissing dating goodbye. haha. that's kind of weird to say, and i thought it was hilarious that promptly after i finished that book (I Kissed Dating Goodbye), he wrote a book about marriage with his wife. at the time i didn't really understand how that could come about, since he wasn't dating.
but now, i completely understand.
basically, i feel that accepting a date from a boy that i have no intention of starting a relationship with is a weakness. i feel that it makes it seem that i'm being validated through this male attention. the truth is that i don't really want or need that, so i would rather choose strength and find other, better things to do with my time.
Beauty is that which attracts the soul...-Gibran
so, until i find someone with a sexy soul, i'm going to be content with just me. :-)
maybe you are wondering where i'll ever meet a man or get a boyfriend. well, i'm okay with testing this theory for a while and seeing what kind of quality is produced. if and when i get desperate, then maybe i'll accept a date from a dull, uninteresting, less than intelligent bloke.
instead of going on a bunch of dates with people that i already know i dont' want to spend more time with, i'm going to spend time with those that i love and care about.
i'll keep you posted on this, as i've been known to change my mind.
Friday, April 3, 2009
i'd hug the queen too
current obsessions
glen hansard
writing, writing, and writing
working out (ps. the video is so worth it the watch...old people dancing=funny, i don't care who you are)
glen hansard
writing, writing, and writing
working out (ps. the video is so worth it the watch...old people dancing=funny, i don't care who you are)
Thursday, April 2, 2009
today has been absurd. i really like days like that.
i was running late for work, but i managed to shave off minutes somewhere from point A to B, and i only arrived 7 minutes late. huzzah.
then, work began, i got my radio show hammered out, featured mewithoutYou, so that was good. and then it happened. that's right...the oklahoma wind strikes again. it blew something down and caused the electricity to go out. fail face.
so, i worked until my laptop died...by worked i mean surfed the net and chatted my co-workers. we had that whole "the environment is different so let's play" syndrome. yep, just made that up.
well, we end up approaching boss man and getting the okay to head to panera to work.
we got lost. of course. well, not lost, just misled, and with my stellar navigation skills, we got back on the right way. we arrived at panera and began working. OH! after i spent $2 for the tiniest, kid-sized glass of orange juice you've ever seen. i must admit, it was tasty, but that better have been squeezed this morning.
it was relatively uneventful until we got ready to leave, and in walked these gorgeous air force pilots. even in their tan onesies, these men were lovely. we did some drooling, checking for rings, and giggling. you know, the typical thing that girls do.
so, yeah, worked. got word that the electricity was back and headed back into the office.
after work i headed up to el gimnasio. angelarito and i did some cardio as a warm-up to our kickboxing class. yeah. mistake. kickboxing was intense! we were so exhausted after an hour of constantly moving, jabbing, upercutting, roundhousing, kicking...we just stayed for the next class. it was easier than getting up at that point. then we realized it was ab attack...oye.
after our intense, 2-hour workout, we headed to get some foods. i had some delicious sushi. happy face.
then i hopped on over to borders. since i moved in, roughly a week ago, i've been dying to go! so i did. i was rummaging and found a book about wines. i became elated when i realized it was only going to set me back a dollar! seriously! so, up to the check out i went, happy with my purchase. when the checker rang me up, so stared at the price for a minute, asked me to swipe my card, and announced "that will be one cent."
um, excuse me...what?
i got a book for a penny. i must say, that makes this a gold-star kind of day.

also, and i'm not bragging...just find it funny, but if you knew how many dates i'd been asked on for the weekend, you'd laugh a little. it's insane. there are only two weekend nights, people! sheesh. i'm really not sure when my stock went through the roof. usually it only rains men when you have a significant other...right?
um, excuse me. geri, you are hot.
i was running late for work, but i managed to shave off minutes somewhere from point A to B, and i only arrived 7 minutes late. huzzah.
then, work began, i got my radio show hammered out, featured mewithoutYou, so that was good. and then it happened. that's right...the oklahoma wind strikes again. it blew something down and caused the electricity to go out. fail face.
so, i worked until my laptop died...by worked i mean surfed the net and chatted my co-workers. we had that whole "the environment is different so let's play" syndrome. yep, just made that up.
well, we end up approaching boss man and getting the okay to head to panera to work.
we got lost. of course. well, not lost, just misled, and with my stellar navigation skills, we got back on the right way. we arrived at panera and began working. OH! after i spent $2 for the tiniest, kid-sized glass of orange juice you've ever seen. i must admit, it was tasty, but that better have been squeezed this morning.
it was relatively uneventful until we got ready to leave, and in walked these gorgeous air force pilots. even in their tan onesies, these men were lovely. we did some drooling, checking for rings, and giggling. you know, the typical thing that girls do.
so, yeah, worked. got word that the electricity was back and headed back into the office.
after work i headed up to el gimnasio. angelarito and i did some cardio as a warm-up to our kickboxing class. yeah. mistake. kickboxing was intense! we were so exhausted after an hour of constantly moving, jabbing, upercutting, roundhousing, kicking...we just stayed for the next class. it was easier than getting up at that point. then we realized it was ab attack...oye.
after our intense, 2-hour workout, we headed to get some foods. i had some delicious sushi. happy face.
then i hopped on over to borders. since i moved in, roughly a week ago, i've been dying to go! so i did. i was rummaging and found a book about wines. i became elated when i realized it was only going to set me back a dollar! seriously! so, up to the check out i went, happy with my purchase. when the checker rang me up, so stared at the price for a minute, asked me to swipe my card, and announced "that will be one cent."
um, excuse me...what?
i got a book for a penny. i must say, that makes this a gold-star kind of day.
also, and i'm not bragging...just find it funny, but if you knew how many dates i'd been asked on for the weekend, you'd laugh a little. it's insane. there are only two weekend nights, people! sheesh. i'm really not sure when my stock went through the roof. usually it only rains men when you have a significant other...right?
um, excuse me. geri, you are hot.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
love/hate relationship
well, i'm currently experiencing this right now with my entire body.
so far, the gym is kicking my hiny!
yesterday was personal training, focusing on arms and core. she complimented me on my leg strength, which was nice. but i told her i'd also like to tone those bad boys.
i totally have a crush on angela's trainer. she's haaawwwtt. i'm pretty sure that everyone in the gym does too, including angela.
we also got in on a butts&guts class (by we i mean ang and i), and it was working legs, glutes, and core. oye. this lady was intense. i was right in the front too, so there was no slacking.
after that class, ang and i limped out and did some more strength training. we contemplated taking the elevator down the few flights of stairs...we braved the stairs, though.
cute sweater guy called last night to formally ask me on a sushi and movie date. i had forgotten how sexy his voice was, and i accepted the invitation. i'm actually looking forward to it. :-)
today will be light working out and then some working. bleh. i'm so ready for this weekend!
so far, the gym is kicking my hiny!
yesterday was personal training, focusing on arms and core. she complimented me on my leg strength, which was nice. but i told her i'd also like to tone those bad boys.
i totally have a crush on angela's trainer. she's haaawwwtt. i'm pretty sure that everyone in the gym does too, including angela.
we also got in on a butts&guts class (by we i mean ang and i), and it was working legs, glutes, and core. oye. this lady was intense. i was right in the front too, so there was no slacking.
after that class, ang and i limped out and did some more strength training. we contemplated taking the elevator down the few flights of stairs...we braved the stairs, though.
cute sweater guy called last night to formally ask me on a sushi and movie date. i had forgotten how sexy his voice was, and i accepted the invitation. i'm actually looking forward to it. :-)
today will be light working out and then some working. bleh. i'm so ready for this weekend!
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