i knew there was a reason that i loved pirates so much.
they are go-getters, always thriving on insecurity. if a person didn't have the ability to do that, then nothing would ever be accomplished.
yes, pirates are kind of jerks. they steal things and off people. if fact, they are some of the biggest bullies in history (and now today). however, i still find myself drawn to them.
i've always been a fan of the underdog.
i admire that you always know what to expect from a pirate. their angle is unruly, and it has worked for them since the middle ages.
so, even though all the evidence points towards disliking pirates...maybe i'm a little unruly as well.
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Did you hear about the new pirate movie coming out? It's going to be rated Arrrr.
A pirate walks into a bar with a ship's wheel on his belt. The bartender asks, "what's that wheel doing on your belt?"
The pirate replies, "yarr, it be drivin me nuts!"
How much does a pirate pay to get his ears pierced?
A buccaneer.
What's a pirate's favorite kind of socks?
You know, Jenn, I'm not a big fan of pirates, but I can see why you are. I'm a ninja guy myself. Here is a very funny link for pirate fans, though: pirate prophet(Note if you don't know who Pinball is, ask Amos. If you don't know who Amos is, ask Audra.)
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