things that might make sense

Sunday, April 26, 2009

mr. amazing

so, lately i feel that i've been rather negative in my approach to people and life on here, mainly of the male variety.

so i've decided to make this a happy blog. as women, we've got so many menskies to be thankful for!

there are so many crazies out there. 1 in 25 americans are sociopaths, whether they know it or not. these people literally get joy out of creating misery and confusion in a person's life. 1 in 50 americans are obsessive compulsive. so many people suffer with depression and other disorders that alter their personalities.

so often they get all of the credit, but i'm kind of over that.

so, here's to the amazings.

here's to the boyfriend who gets to know his girlfriend's friends.
here's to the husband who calls his wife's best friend when he needs help cheering her up.
here's to the brother who cares enough about his sister to take an interest in who she's dating.
here's to the father that wakes up a little early to call his daughter in the morning before he goes to work.
here's to the grandpa that smack talks his granddaughter's x-boyfriend. bahahaha. (ask and i will tell you)
here's to the uncle who learns how to text message so his niece will be proud of him.
here's to the step-dad who makes an effort.
here's to the friend that encourages and reminds her of her worth.

here's to men, really.

these are just some personal examples from my life. i'd really like to hear about the amazing men in your life. tell me, tell me!


Norris said...

OMG this post reminded me of your ex-boyfriend Jordan. I heard he got herpes from one of his other ex-girlfriends. You really dodged a bullet dumping that loser :D


Anonymous said...

*here's to the guy (friend or any of them, really) who refuses to let you settle for less than you're worth.
*here's to the dad who offers to drive down for the weekend after a breakup, just to hang out, even though he's not quite sure what to say
*here's to your bachelor uncles who know that you're single too and always come up with stuff for the 3 of you to do together
*here's to the gay friend who tells you you're beautiful and that if he was straight he'd date you
*here's to the brother who would do anything for you, including kick the shit out of someone without asking any questions except "where can I find him"

Excellent post, my friend.
