it's just the way i roll.
yesterday was no different. after a tumultuous go of finding a new living situation, i got it settled, but not before the effects were rampant in my plans for fun on a holiday.
alas, i'm used to this whole "rolling with the punches" thing, so i, along with my annoyingly positive outlook on life and smile on my face, began creating a new plan in the midst of rather bleak possibilities for a super fun holiday.
fortuitously, i ran into a good friend early on in the day, and we promptly made plans to make the best of a crummy, little town.
we arrived at a quaint little pub and were met with questionable intentions, musty cig smoke, and lewd comments. we soldiered on to the bar and perched ourselves on the inviting swivel stools.
the invitation quickly dissipated as we were met with an offensive barmaid with quite the chip on her shoulder.
"what do you want," she barked.
my eyes widened, as i'm really not used to or fond of people being rude to me.
"um, i'll just have a red stripe, and she'll have--"
she continued down the line in a confusing pattern to take orders, then, possibly because of my confused look, returned to glean the rest of the order.
she went about filling orders and yelling expletives and minutes later slammed two bottles in front of laura and i.
"6 dollars," she said flatly.
i meekly slid my card to her, afraid to ask her to start a tab.
"a tab?" she questioned.
"yes, please."
she hastily broke away with my card in hand. as she moved down the bar, laura and i exchanged wide-eyed looks and exhaled an intense breath.
angry barmaid continued to shout and curse, and was making it quite hard to merely converse. as if that annoyance wasn't enough to bear, shortly after, an uninteresting, mid-30s gentleman invited himself into our conversation. attempting to blow our minds with quips like "it's this guy's birthday," "he's my brother! can't you believe it?," and "he's a virgin."
i stared at him blankly. i didn't even have the strength or patience to deal with this creature. not only did he use the most ridiculous "pick-up" tactics, he used more than one.
"will you sing to him for me?" he prodded.
"um, no."
"well, what are you having? how many more of those will it take?" he asked with a smirk on his face.
"how many more of these will it take for what?" i said through narrowed eyes.
"to sing..." he said hesitantly.
after a few minutes of a circular conversation that kept ending on laura and i blowing him off, he retreated.
as laura and i began to chat again, i felt a tap on my shoulder. as i turned, i realized that uninteresting guy was back, and this time he brought virgin-brother-birthday boy.
"you are jusssst sssstunning." virgin-brother-birthday boy attempted.
"thank you," i said with resignation in my voice and a roll of my eyes.
i turned to laura and mouthed "let's get out of here." we flagged down angry barmaid and prepared for being yelled out for wanting to tab out.
bartending is serious business.
as we began to head for the door, the crowd began to throw out pleas for us to stay, but to no avail. we made it to the car safely and began to giggle.
after we re-focused, got a new plan, and reapplied lipgloss, we were on our way to the next "hotspot."
upon arrival, the parking lot was heavily laden with cars of the police variety.
we were getting desperate, so we proceeded to the door.
the bouncer was one of those people who was easily distracted. when he took my id, he pretty much forgot about the line behind me waiting to get their drink on.
"it's hard to believe you are older than me."
"oh yeah? why is that?" i asked.
"you are way short and look younger," he said with a smile.
he was cute so i humored him.
"well, thank you. i hope that stays with me."
"i'm sure it will." he winked at me.
shortly after we'd ordered drinks and drooled over the sexy bartender (not angry in any way ;)...), the music was cut and we were told to vacate the premises. someone had failed to get a headcount. i'm presuming it was the easily distracted bouncer.
after i slammed my newly purchased hypnotique, we walked outside. we decided it was an opportune time for a photo-op.
seconds later, a cop on a high-speed foot chase blasted past us. he jumped in his car and peeled out, speeding after someone or something. we could only assume a knife fight.
we decided to go back to my car and re-apply lipgloss and follow the cop cars. i mean, it is lawton, what else is there to do?
the high-speed chase was a let-down, as it ended in a domestic dispute with only two people cuffed. lame.
we returned to the place that we'd been kicked out of, as they were letting people re-enter with the bouncer now paying more attention. we just didn't have the energy to return.
all in all, it was a productive night. we talked about our current and future goals, set some things in stone, and had a chance to catch up on one another's lives.
true friends and fantastic times are what make the world go 'round.
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