i was running late for work, but i managed to shave off minutes somewhere from point A to B, and i only arrived 7 minutes late. huzzah.
then, work began, i got my radio show hammered out, featured mewithoutYou, so that was good. and then it happened. that's right...the oklahoma wind strikes again. it blew something down and caused the electricity to go out. fail face.
so, i worked until my laptop died...by worked i mean surfed the net and chatted my co-workers. we had that whole "the environment is different so let's play" syndrome. yep, just made that up.
well, we end up approaching boss man and getting the okay to head to panera to work.
we got lost. of course. well, not lost, just misled, and with my stellar navigation skills, we got back on the right way. we arrived at panera and began working. OH! after i spent $2 for the tiniest, kid-sized glass of orange juice you've ever seen. i must admit, it was tasty, but that better have been squeezed this morning.
it was relatively uneventful until we got ready to leave, and in walked these gorgeous air force pilots. even in their tan onesies, these men were lovely. we did some drooling, checking for rings, and giggling. you know, the typical thing that girls do.
so, yeah, worked. got word that the electricity was back and headed back into the office.
after work i headed up to el gimnasio. angelarito and i did some cardio as a warm-up to our kickboxing class. yeah. mistake. kickboxing was intense! we were so exhausted after an hour of constantly moving, jabbing, upercutting, roundhousing, kicking...we just stayed for the next class. it was easier than getting up at that point. then we realized it was ab attack...oye.
after our intense, 2-hour workout, we headed to get some foods. i had some delicious sushi. happy face.
then i hopped on over to borders. since i moved in, roughly a week ago, i've been dying to go! so i did. i was rummaging and found a book about wines. i became elated when i realized it was only going to set me back a dollar! seriously! so, up to the check out i went, happy with my purchase. when the checker rang me up, so stared at the price for a minute, asked me to swipe my card, and announced "that will be one cent."
um, excuse me...what?
i got a book for a penny. i must say, that makes this a gold-star kind of day.
also, and i'm not bragging...just find it funny, but if you knew how many dates i'd been asked on for the weekend, you'd laugh a little. it's insane. there are only two weekend nights, people! sheesh. i'm really not sure when my stock went through the roof. usually it only rains men when you have a significant other...right?
um, excuse me. geri, you are hot.
... tan onesies. Classic.
Loved the story, what an eventful morning.
love the last video. wish my skin was that brown and my abs that tight! yum. I think I am on my way to becoming a lesbian. I keep drooling over hot girls lately . . . hmmm.
hope all the dates are fun!
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