i think that maybe i'm not as big of a fan of tumblr as i wanted and hoped for.
i much prefer blogger, actually.
shhh, don't spread that around. it makes me seem terribly unhip.
one hot mess
life and times of jenn scott
things that might make sense
maybe it's because i'm the world-class cuddle champ, but i really love the message in this song. so often people get caught up in wo...
i generally find myself in rather peculiar situations. it's just the way i roll. yesterday was no different. after a tumultuous go of fi...
last time i consulted the calendar, the year was 2010. it amazes me how the idea of a modern, forward-moving society seems a facade, at be...
coffee from Asia makes me happy. mmm.
in an effort to not angry blog, i've taken a few days to think about some things that have been bothering me. i had dinner with two of t...
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
the beauty of age
these two ladies hobbled in with canes.
one of them said, "oh, what's she having?"
and the bartender said, "she's having the special."
he began to list what was in it.
"you can stop at vodka. i only drink gin. i'm old."
then she said, "but anyway, i'd like some gin. she'll take her vodka."
then these two marines walked by, and the sassy one followed them out with her eyes. she turned back around, smiled, and faced the bartender and said, "make it a double. but anyway..."
one of them said, "oh, what's she having?"
and the bartender said, "she's having the special."
he began to list what was in it.
"you can stop at vodka. i only drink gin. i'm old."
then she said, "but anyway, i'd like some gin. she'll take her vodka."
then these two marines walked by, and the sassy one followed them out with her eyes. she turned back around, smiled, and faced the bartender and said, "make it a double. but anyway..."
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
snow, here i come.
i'm taking a real vacation. not the fake one where i just take off work and edit from coffee shops.
like, i'm actually driving out of state and hitting the slopes! i'm so very excited to be a snow bunny.
i'm also very excited that my handsome bear of a boyfriend is joining me.
i hope i don't fall down and break my noggin!
current addiction(s): classical music, vanilla yougurt raisins, and white wines (who knew?)
like, i'm actually driving out of state and hitting the slopes! i'm so very excited to be a snow bunny.
i'm also very excited that my handsome bear of a boyfriend is joining me.
i hope i don't fall down and break my noggin!
current addiction(s): classical music, vanilla yougurt raisins, and white wines (who knew?)
Thursday, March 11, 2010
i just want to play it right
last time i consulted the calendar, the year was 2010.
it amazes me how the idea of a modern, forward-moving society seems a facade, at best, when dealing with repugnant issues.
i can only assert the basis for some decisions made by people, and entertaining the idea that my gender might have any clout in a professional situation seems a tired and upsetting consideration.
however, the old adage rings true. actions are louder than words. so, there's your dose of antiquation for the day.
shout out to all you men out there who don't run and buy a pompously gigantic monster truck the second you realize a women might be better at something or feel it necessary to emotionally bully at an attempt to remind the world you are carrying around more weight in your trousers.
it amazes me how the idea of a modern, forward-moving society seems a facade, at best, when dealing with repugnant issues.
i can only assert the basis for some decisions made by people, and entertaining the idea that my gender might have any clout in a professional situation seems a tired and upsetting consideration.
however, the old adage rings true. actions are louder than words. so, there's your dose of antiquation for the day.
shout out to all you men out there who don't run and buy a pompously gigantic monster truck the second you realize a women might be better at something or feel it necessary to emotionally bully at an attempt to remind the world you are carrying around more weight in your trousers.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
i can see all other worlds
today is one of those days i'm extra sassy. back on track with my morning workouts, so that's always fun.
robbi is such a pistol, so it's quite the fun time, even though i have trouble taking off my clothes after a workout with her.
i wore the wrong knickers with my dress today, so once i arrived at work i just simply popped them off, tucked them away in my purse, and now i'm flying commando. so that's always a little awkward/liberating.
as of late i've felt this urge to define my style and look. for quite some time last year i rocked the red lipstick and bangs, but have you ever tried to wear red lipstick EVERY day, at EVERY social occasion? well, you certainly tire of the upkeep, that's for sure. and, what if one night you just feel like wearing gloss?
as the new year rolled in, i actually sat down and put pen to paper as far as what i wanted to see in my wardrobe for the year.
it didn't really occur to me until today that i've been caught in a horrible trap! i've been branding myself. once i realized what i was doing--the amount of pressure i was putting on myself because of it--a huge relief flooded in.
now, i think it's imperative for everyone to have a style or "look", if you will, but i find it highly unnecessary (and stressful) to expect that 24/7.
that being said, my personal style choices as of late tend to lean toward urban funk. i'm using grays, blacks, and jenn bunny fancy blue (that name is credited to the ever talented and beautiful taniya). aside from that, i'm pretty much going to do what i want. always keeping in mind, of course, i'd like to be classy and edgy.
and now for some things i find to be quite fantastic:

now that's a campaign.

gorgeous. it literally took my breath away.

hmmm, a pinup and a table. why not?

i'm sure i can get a few people to agree with me....
current jam of the day:
current obsession: tiny oranges, eating healthy, fancy blue.
robbi is such a pistol, so it's quite the fun time, even though i have trouble taking off my clothes after a workout with her.
i wore the wrong knickers with my dress today, so once i arrived at work i just simply popped them off, tucked them away in my purse, and now i'm flying commando. so that's always a little awkward/liberating.
as of late i've felt this urge to define my style and look. for quite some time last year i rocked the red lipstick and bangs, but have you ever tried to wear red lipstick EVERY day, at EVERY social occasion? well, you certainly tire of the upkeep, that's for sure. and, what if one night you just feel like wearing gloss?
as the new year rolled in, i actually sat down and put pen to paper as far as what i wanted to see in my wardrobe for the year.
it didn't really occur to me until today that i've been caught in a horrible trap! i've been branding myself. once i realized what i was doing--the amount of pressure i was putting on myself because of it--a huge relief flooded in.
now, i think it's imperative for everyone to have a style or "look", if you will, but i find it highly unnecessary (and stressful) to expect that 24/7.
that being said, my personal style choices as of late tend to lean toward urban funk. i'm using grays, blacks, and jenn bunny fancy blue (that name is credited to the ever talented and beautiful taniya). aside from that, i'm pretty much going to do what i want. always keeping in mind, of course, i'd like to be classy and edgy.
and now for some things i find to be quite fantastic:
now that's a campaign.
gorgeous. it literally took my breath away.
hmmm, a pinup and a table. why not?
i'm sure i can get a few people to agree with me....
current jam of the day:
current obsession: tiny oranges, eating healthy, fancy blue.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
the art of obsession
i just love having stalkers.
i feel as if i've had one a year since 2003. how neat.
my current obsession? tiny oranges.
i feel that's a pretty healthy one.
i feel as if i've had one a year since 2003. how neat.
my current obsession? tiny oranges.
i feel that's a pretty healthy one.
i'm talking about:
ex girlfriends,
getting a life,
moving on,
Monday, March 8, 2010
dont' want nobody else.
i've been remiss!
it's not that i've been uninspired as of late. quite the opposite, actually.
so, this is my effort to hop back in.
well, relationships aren't easy, even when they are. merging two people's lives can be quite tricky.
part of my absence can be credited to the oh-so-blissful first few months of a wonderful relationship. the kind where you don't want to spend a second apart or take your eyes of one another.
the kind where you sit in bed entire weekends and watch DVDs. your bedside table fills up with cups and takeout containers, and you slowly build a new, more exciting daily (and nightly) routine.
you aren't afraid to say things like "we would love to come!" or "we loved that movie!"
it's silly and adorable, and i must say i've never really experienced this kind of relationship euphoria. sure, i've been giddy and wanted to spend oodles of time with another, but i guess i never really got around to it. or, if i did get around to it, then i drove the person crazy/they drove me crazy.
yesterday was one of my favorite days. i spent it in bed reading with my partner in crime. that's always a good day. drug my lovvi with me to the grocery store. i adore grocery shopping, and i'm quite pleased he's learning to love it as well.
"um, you know what we need?" he asked.
"no... what do we need?" i said cautiously. i've learned i can never guess what he'll say next.
"stuff to make root beer floats."
a second's thought made me realize he was exactly right. so, amid the fresh fruits, veggies, and whole wheat bread, we tucked in some ice cream and root beer.
we returned to the BGP (aka my abode) and prepared the root beer floats, only to retreat back to bed and watch TV, laugh, and generally be ridiculous.
later that night after dinner and a short watch of the oscars to see what everyone was wearing, we discussed how trivial and amazing our day had been.
and isn't that what it's about? having one of the best days while doing things like grocery shopping and reading?
needless to say, i have a good one. one who, aside from his horrible memory, remembers that i love to keep movie ticket stubs and stores them in his wallet until he sees me next.
so, maybe it's not always easy to open up to another person, and maybe it's not easy to adjust life patterns to include another into your daily routine. i'm learning to be better at it, because the truth is, i've never had so much fun grocery shopping.
a new gem i'm in love, love with.
it's not that i've been uninspired as of late. quite the opposite, actually.
so, this is my effort to hop back in.
well, relationships aren't easy, even when they are. merging two people's lives can be quite tricky.
part of my absence can be credited to the oh-so-blissful first few months of a wonderful relationship. the kind where you don't want to spend a second apart or take your eyes of one another.
the kind where you sit in bed entire weekends and watch DVDs. your bedside table fills up with cups and takeout containers, and you slowly build a new, more exciting daily (and nightly) routine.
you aren't afraid to say things like "we would love to come!" or "we loved that movie!"
it's silly and adorable, and i must say i've never really experienced this kind of relationship euphoria. sure, i've been giddy and wanted to spend oodles of time with another, but i guess i never really got around to it. or, if i did get around to it, then i drove the person crazy/they drove me crazy.
yesterday was one of my favorite days. i spent it in bed reading with my partner in crime. that's always a good day. drug my lovvi with me to the grocery store. i adore grocery shopping, and i'm quite pleased he's learning to love it as well.
"um, you know what we need?" he asked.
"no... what do we need?" i said cautiously. i've learned i can never guess what he'll say next.
"stuff to make root beer floats."
a second's thought made me realize he was exactly right. so, amid the fresh fruits, veggies, and whole wheat bread, we tucked in some ice cream and root beer.
we returned to the BGP (aka my abode) and prepared the root beer floats, only to retreat back to bed and watch TV, laugh, and generally be ridiculous.
later that night after dinner and a short watch of the oscars to see what everyone was wearing, we discussed how trivial and amazing our day had been.
and isn't that what it's about? having one of the best days while doing things like grocery shopping and reading?
needless to say, i have a good one. one who, aside from his horrible memory, remembers that i love to keep movie ticket stubs and stores them in his wallet until he sees me next.
so, maybe it's not always easy to open up to another person, and maybe it's not easy to adjust life patterns to include another into your daily routine. i'm learning to be better at it, because the truth is, i've never had so much fun grocery shopping.
a new gem i'm in love, love with.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Thursday, January 7, 2010
out with the new and in with the vintage
i plan for 2010 to be classy.
i've been doing quite a bit of thinking and projecting, and have landed at a pretty good idea of where i'd like to see myself in the coming years.
for one, i'm going to spend more time with myself. i don't do enough of that, and it's for no other reason than i'm massively blessed, uber social, and a classic extrovert.
i love those bits about myself, but lately i've been running myself into the ground when it comes to social engagements, and i've committed to at least two days per calendar week at home.
also, and this may sound silly to some, but i'm going to start working on my wardrobe. i'd like to drive it in a much more vintage and tailored direction. i am, after all, in my late 20s now. i deserve a properly fitting wardrobe.
i found a spectacular little etsy shop where i've made my first purchase.
also, i plan to expand my hat and scarf collection quite a bit. so, if you have any stellar stores you'd like to share, please do pass them along.
that's all for now, lovvis.
current addiction: jazz and cherries
i've been doing quite a bit of thinking and projecting, and have landed at a pretty good idea of where i'd like to see myself in the coming years.
for one, i'm going to spend more time with myself. i don't do enough of that, and it's for no other reason than i'm massively blessed, uber social, and a classic extrovert.
i love those bits about myself, but lately i've been running myself into the ground when it comes to social engagements, and i've committed to at least two days per calendar week at home.
also, and this may sound silly to some, but i'm going to start working on my wardrobe. i'd like to drive it in a much more vintage and tailored direction. i am, after all, in my late 20s now. i deserve a properly fitting wardrobe.
i found a spectacular little etsy shop where i've made my first purchase.
also, i plan to expand my hat and scarf collection quite a bit. so, if you have any stellar stores you'd like to share, please do pass them along.
that's all for now, lovvis.
current addiction: jazz and cherries
Saturday, December 19, 2009
perplexed by figgy pudding and such
usually i'm not the girl making resolutions one time a year. i generally try to make myself a better person constantly. however, in 2010 i am making one big change. i am consciously cutting out things that are bad for me.
those little vices that turn into bigger emotional wrecks are going to be phased out. this year i've learned the hard way that i'm a bit masochistic. perpetuating decisions that encourage behaviors fraught with disrespect, convoluted intentions, or generally cause mass amounts of emotional turmoil and hysteria in my life will be kicked to the curb.
i'm actually going to begin trusting my instincts a bit more. it's not always realistic, and it's not always something i can plan, but i'm generally always right.
as most of you know, i spent a fantastic chunk of my 2009 enamored with men who'll never love me back the way i want.
i'll be leaving that in 2009.
so, that's just a little thing i'm getting together in december. i'm preparing for the jump to really let go of those feelings that are one sided in reality. sure when they're reciprocated out of curiosity they're fantastic and wonderful. but you can't build a relationship on sometimes. you can't communicate with sporadic. and you most certainly can't establish trust through semi-reciprocated curiosity.
though i fancy gray, i'm a black and white kind of girl. and really, i'm okay with that. i have plans. i know what i don't want. essentially each day of my own growth will get me closer to those things i do want. and i'm sure when i get there i'll want something different, better, or more.
what a maddening and beautiful adventure this will be.
those little vices that turn into bigger emotional wrecks are going to be phased out. this year i've learned the hard way that i'm a bit masochistic. perpetuating decisions that encourage behaviors fraught with disrespect, convoluted intentions, or generally cause mass amounts of emotional turmoil and hysteria in my life will be kicked to the curb.
i'm actually going to begin trusting my instincts a bit more. it's not always realistic, and it's not always something i can plan, but i'm generally always right.
as most of you know, i spent a fantastic chunk of my 2009 enamored with men who'll never love me back the way i want.
i'll be leaving that in 2009.
so, that's just a little thing i'm getting together in december. i'm preparing for the jump to really let go of those feelings that are one sided in reality. sure when they're reciprocated out of curiosity they're fantastic and wonderful. but you can't build a relationship on sometimes. you can't communicate with sporadic. and you most certainly can't establish trust through semi-reciprocated curiosity.
though i fancy gray, i'm a black and white kind of girl. and really, i'm okay with that. i have plans. i know what i don't want. essentially each day of my own growth will get me closer to those things i do want. and i'm sure when i get there i'll want something different, better, or more.
what a maddening and beautiful adventure this will be.
Friday, December 11, 2009
know (not in the bibilcal sense)
so i had a date last night. i was actually nervous, which is abnormal.
the date went pretty well. we had a good time and laughed a lot.
especially when i made a highly inappropriate, accidentally erotic remark.
we were having a lovely dinner of pho, and we were discussing places we had lived/wanted to live.
i epicly delivered, "i've only lived in dallas. i tried for about 2 solid years to get my visa, though. i really wanted to move to london. but basically you have to be independently wealthy or know people. and i have tried to KNOW lots of people."
there was a brief silence before uncontainable laughter.
"okay, that didn't come out right. i'm so embarrassed. i'm so sorry i said that."
"i'm not," date said between deep breaths.
so much for breaking the ice. i still can't believe i said that. oye.
current addiction(s): little debbie christmas trees, jumping squats, and music (freelance whales and penguin prison)
the date went pretty well. we had a good time and laughed a lot.
especially when i made a highly inappropriate, accidentally erotic remark.
we were having a lovely dinner of pho, and we were discussing places we had lived/wanted to live.
i epicly delivered, "i've only lived in dallas. i tried for about 2 solid years to get my visa, though. i really wanted to move to london. but basically you have to be independently wealthy or know people. and i have tried to KNOW lots of people."
there was a brief silence before uncontainable laughter.
"okay, that didn't come out right. i'm so embarrassed. i'm so sorry i said that."
"i'm not," date said between deep breaths.
so much for breaking the ice. i still can't believe i said that. oye.
current addiction(s): little debbie christmas trees, jumping squats, and music (freelance whales and penguin prison)
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
she moves in like a pirate ship
i'm going to go ahead and dedicate to those few faithful followers who've been waiting to learn of my menless october.
well, turns out, i'm no good at giving men up.
october 4th sort of ruined the whole month. we're still blaming it on vodka, but i ended up with a proper friend.
i also went to vegas with my on-again, off-again crush of two years. we had an amazing time, but shortly after we returned (i'm talking hours), he started doing exactly the things he does. he can't help it; it's just the way he's made. however, those specific things don't really work out for me. so, unless some sort of miracle happens, that will be off-for good.
now, from the surface this might seem a failure. that's where you are entirely wrong.
i learned something about myself in these last months of the year. i make bad decisions when it comes to protecting my emotions. i learned that also spills over into friendships.
so, simply, i'm setting higher standards and not making excuses for people anymore.
if someone isn't a good friend to me, then i don't need them around. i have plenty of friends.
if a guy says we're dating, then i run into him on a date with another girl, i probably shouldn't be dating that guy.
it's really easy. so i'm getting back to the basics. it may sound silly to you, but my overly humanistic soul gets into more trouble seeing things in people that they'll never see themselves.
i'm definitely dating, so that's always fun/interesting/boring/awful/exhausting.
last weekend my brother and his lady came to visit.

we had a swell time, and at one point he let me know that i was only allowed to date boys from church. this was my reaction...

nevertheless, i'm still here, dating, and just as sassy as always. i'll probably find someone someday, but right now i'm just enjoying the present with people i love.

well, turns out, i'm no good at giving men up.
october 4th sort of ruined the whole month. we're still blaming it on vodka, but i ended up with a proper friend.
i also went to vegas with my on-again, off-again crush of two years. we had an amazing time, but shortly after we returned (i'm talking hours), he started doing exactly the things he does. he can't help it; it's just the way he's made. however, those specific things don't really work out for me. so, unless some sort of miracle happens, that will be off-for good.
now, from the surface this might seem a failure. that's where you are entirely wrong.
i learned something about myself in these last months of the year. i make bad decisions when it comes to protecting my emotions. i learned that also spills over into friendships.
so, simply, i'm setting higher standards and not making excuses for people anymore.
if someone isn't a good friend to me, then i don't need them around. i have plenty of friends.
if a guy says we're dating, then i run into him on a date with another girl, i probably shouldn't be dating that guy.
it's really easy. so i'm getting back to the basics. it may sound silly to you, but my overly humanistic soul gets into more trouble seeing things in people that they'll never see themselves.
i'm definitely dating, so that's always fun/interesting/boring/awful/exhausting.
last weekend my brother and his lady came to visit.
we had a swell time, and at one point he let me know that i was only allowed to date boys from church. this was my reaction...
nevertheless, i'm still here, dating, and just as sassy as always. i'll probably find someone someday, but right now i'm just enjoying the present with people i love.

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