robbi is such a pistol, so it's quite the fun time, even though i have trouble taking off my clothes after a workout with her.
i wore the wrong knickers with my dress today, so once i arrived at work i just simply popped them off, tucked them away in my purse, and now i'm flying commando. so that's always a little awkward/liberating.
as of late i've felt this urge to define my style and look. for quite some time last year i rocked the red lipstick and bangs, but have you ever tried to wear red lipstick EVERY day, at EVERY social occasion? well, you certainly tire of the upkeep, that's for sure. and, what if one night you just feel like wearing gloss?
as the new year rolled in, i actually sat down and put pen to paper as far as what i wanted to see in my wardrobe for the year.
it didn't really occur to me until today that i've been caught in a horrible trap! i've been branding myself. once i realized what i was doing--the amount of pressure i was putting on myself because of it--a huge relief flooded in.
now, i think it's imperative for everyone to have a style or "look", if you will, but i find it highly unnecessary (and stressful) to expect that 24/7.
that being said, my personal style choices as of late tend to lean toward urban funk. i'm using grays, blacks, and jenn bunny fancy blue (that name is credited to the ever talented and beautiful taniya). aside from that, i'm pretty much going to do what i want. always keeping in mind, of course, i'd like to be classy and edgy.
and now for some things i find to be quite fantastic:
now that's a campaign.
gorgeous. it literally took my breath away.
hmmm, a pinup and a table. why not?
i'm sure i can get a few people to agree with me....
current jam of the day:
current obsession: tiny oranges, eating healthy, fancy blue.
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