well, turns out, i'm no good at giving men up.
october 4th sort of ruined the whole month. we're still blaming it on vodka, but i ended up with a proper friend.
i also went to vegas with my on-again, off-again crush of two years. we had an amazing time, but shortly after we returned (i'm talking hours), he started doing exactly the things he does. he can't help it; it's just the way he's made. however, those specific things don't really work out for me. so, unless some sort of miracle happens, that will be off-for good.
now, from the surface this might seem a failure. that's where you are entirely wrong.
i learned something about myself in these last months of the year. i make bad decisions when it comes to protecting my emotions. i learned that also spills over into friendships.
so, simply, i'm setting higher standards and not making excuses for people anymore.
if someone isn't a good friend to me, then i don't need them around. i have plenty of friends.
if a guy says we're dating, then i run into him on a date with another girl, i probably shouldn't be dating that guy.
it's really easy. so i'm getting back to the basics. it may sound silly to you, but my overly humanistic soul gets into more trouble seeing things in people that they'll never see themselves.
i'm definitely dating, so that's always fun/interesting/boring/awful/exhausting.
last weekend my brother and his lady came to visit.
we had a swell time, and at one point he let me know that i was only allowed to date boys from church. this was my reaction...
nevertheless, i'm still here, dating, and just as sassy as always. i'll probably find someone someday, but right now i'm just enjoying the present with people i love.

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