things that might make sense

Thursday, January 7, 2010

out with the new and in with the vintage

i plan for 2010 to be classy.

i've been doing quite a bit of thinking and projecting, and have landed at a pretty good idea of where i'd like to see myself in the coming years.

for one, i'm going to spend more time with myself. i don't do enough of that, and it's for no other reason than i'm massively blessed, uber social, and a classic extrovert.

i love those bits about myself, but lately i've been running myself into the ground when it comes to social engagements, and i've committed to at least two days per calendar week at home.

also, and this may sound silly to some, but i'm going to start working on my wardrobe. i'd like to drive it in a much more vintage and tailored direction. i am, after all, in my late 20s now. i deserve a properly fitting wardrobe.

i found a spectacular little etsy shop where i've made my first purchase.

also, i plan to expand my hat and scarf collection quite a bit. so, if you have any stellar stores you'd like to share, please do pass them along.

that's all for now, lovvis.

current addiction: jazz and cherries


SabinePsynopsis said...

Vintage is a great choice, especially if it's good quality! Sabine x

jenn said...

thanks! yes, i'm looking forward to the challenge. i'm sure it will be quite the learning process, but i'm very excited!