things that might make sense

Monday, March 30, 2009

too busy to blog?

life has been exhaustingly fast paced.

but, that's okay.

here's a recap!

-my ankle is mucho better
-i have all of my stuff in my apartment. huzzah. moving over.
-today i am joining aspen. super pumped.
-i got to see the fam this weekend. it was swell.
-i have a date this week
-i took my nose ring out. sad face. it kept getting really red and infected. so, i'm going to let it heal and possibly get the other side pierced in a few months.
-i really like my new room and am perusing for a nice piece of art
-my closet is so small that it's going to force me to do some much-needed condensing
-i am thinking about canceling my myspace. facebook is where all the cool kids are
-i'm back in love with buddha bar

that's pretty much the main stuff. i think.

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