things that might make sense

Thursday, June 25, 2009

jazzy and jubilant

Where was the very last place you went besides your house?

The last person you kissed needs you at 3am, would you help them?
of course

Last thing you did before bed last night?
re-set my alarm

Do you get mad easily?
no. it takes a lot to be on my poo list.

Do you think somebody likes the same person you do?
yes, because he's swell.

Do you care if people hate you for no reason?
not anymore. you can't win them all, lovvis.

Do you talk about your feelings or hide them?
talk, talk, talk. communicado es muy importante!

What's your last text say?
i love you. have a great day.

Are you happy?

What are you doing after this?
working some more, hitting the gym, then going to smangela's

Do you prefer warm or cold weather?
cold please

Who was the last person you were in a car with?

When was the last time you had a REAL smile on your face?
just a few seconds ago

Do you like getting big hugs?
yes indeed.

Is tomorrow looking good?
i can't see tomorrow yet. but i have a feeling it will be spectacular.

What color are your eyes?
very blue

Have you ever given up on someone, but then went back to them later?
nope. once i give up i'm done. that's why it's kind of hard for me to let go initially.

Do you hate the last person you kissed?
haha noooooo. not in the very least.

Do you want to see someone right now?
eh. not really. i need to work.

Are you in a good mood?
i'm in a wonderful mood...besides being ridiculously cold. i have on two blankets.

Do you miss your past?
not at all. is that weird? i've had some great times, but i just really love my present...and my future for that matter.

Have you ever broken someone’s heart?
not on purpose

Have you ever gone out with a football player?
yes, in college.

Last person to make you smile?
my entire office. they are fun. i like them.

Who were you with at 12:00 last night?
just bailey and i. we were sleeping.

If you're sleeping and someone calls you what do you say?
i sleep heavily, so i say nothing until the next day.

Ever receive a really long apology?

Are you mad at the last person who called you?

Are you afraid to answer sexual questions?
haha no

Expecting something to change in the next month?
things always change. that's the only thing that stays the same.

Ready for winter to come?
oh so very much.

Were you an honor roll student in school?

How do you make your money?
i work hard for tha money! but seriously, i edit the books and write the columns and dance...wait...

What do you have planned for tonight?
working. boo. and maybe, if working gets to a steady point, heading out on the town. maybe.

Today did you kiss a person you have feelings for?
does bailey count?

Have you ever been around someone who was high?
that i have

If you could have anything right now what would it be?

How ticklish are you?
let's not go there

Has someone ever told you they would be with you forever?

What are you doing right now?
not working. laughing about epic fails.

Do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed?
usually open. clothes and shoes are pretty!

Best friend?
i am blessed with many

Do you know any mechanical stuff about cars?

Did you get a full 8 hours of sleep last night?
i don't get that many hours in a row until the weekend comes around

that's me with my sort-of snuggie. it's sooooo cold!

Monday, June 22, 2009

oh me, oh my

well, today i literally jumped up and down because of a boy. that hasn't happened in some time. it was kind of nice.

so silly, i know. but it's great to have a crush.

i've liked this guy since new year's eve. he was charming and nice, but not overbearing. i had a boyfriend at the time, and i'm not into infidelity, so i pushed him out of my mind.

i've run into him several times since then, and every time has gone the same. we have great conversation, we joke and flirt, and then we say goodbye and go our separate ways.

i was starting to get a little confused, but this weekend i realized that he may just be a little shy. or, as audra said, he could have been in a relationship until recently as well. he finally got my number in the most adorable fashion, and i was very pleased.

well, the reason for the jumping, is that i heard from him today. wahoo! the perfect amount of time, really. if i would have heard from him any sooner, i would have been immediately disinterested. if it would have been later in the week, i would have gotten nothing done at work for a few days, haha! that's what happens when i really have a crush on a boy.

also, it was in business hours. kudos.

this has gotten me to thinking about dating rules. isn't it funny that when you are uninterested in a guy, it's completely easy to play it cool? now, when your interest is piqued, that's when things get challenging.

one would think common sense would suffice, but unfortunately when in the situation, the idea of common or sense is hazy. over-analyzation takes over!

this has been a topic at work as of late. is there some secret society that huddles together and makes up rules that all of singleton must follow? i'm not sure. but i am usually a rule follwer, and i work well with boundaries. that being are a few dating dos and don'ts we've come up with.

*if there is an exchange of numbers, the aggressor must be the first person to contact
*do not, repeat, do NOT friend them on myspace, facebook, linkedin, or follow their twitter until there is an established relationship. (feel free to creep a little if any of the listed are public.)
*do google them. you don't want to end up with a complete loser, and the internet is a good tool to figure out if they're completely bust or not.
*before there is an established relationship, expect texts or calls to come within business hours. if it's not in that time frame, they probably aren't a keeper.
*don't ever accept a same-day request for a date EVEN if you are free.
*when in initial communication phase, don't expect to hear from them every day. take it slow and get to know the person. sheesh!

for now, that's what we've come up with that pretty much everyone agrees on. dating is a lot of work, but it's also a lot of fun when done right.

if you don't believe it, come hang out with audra and i for about 5 minutes and you'll see!

it's so helpful to have such wonderful friends that love and support me every day.

as always, feel free to leave comments, add, subtract, build on, or just agree with!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

cheerful insight

in an effort to not angry blog, i've taken a few days to think about some things that have been bothering me.

i had dinner with two of the people who are my closest friends in this world. even though we've had different life ideas for many years now, we've always managed to maintain a level of respect and unconditional love. this keeps us on common ground, and i'm so thankful for that.

i know that sometimes words don't come out as intended, and i hope it was one of those nights.

after a few days of reflection, i've arrived at a comfortable place.

i'm not judgmental, and i know that is a main difference with my two best friends and i. although they may argue, they have some serious preconceived notions. it works just fine for them, but that's not a way that i ever intend to be. they aren't as bad as they used to be, and i feel that i have had a little bit of an influence on them. mainly because they've been forced to accept me through love. i've never actually felt that it's a chore for them until this conversation.

i'm not sure that dreams ever become a negative thing. although i may not have everything figured out, i always have ideas and back-up ideas, and i'm pretty sure that will always be a part of me. i do understand it's important to be content where you are in life, but as many things are a balancing act, this is no different.

having a man and being married is not my picture of success. of course those things will be amazing when the right person comes along, but i'm comfortable being by myself, and if that's a weakness, then i'm proud to be weak.

it all comes down to situation, i think. it's pretty easy to point fingers when you've been with the same person for 6+ years, you're married, and you are building a life together. it's a lot less challenging to decide what you want to do with your life and where you want to settle down, in my opinion.

i love them and know they want me to be happy. sometimes i think they confuse what's best for me, and i just wish they'd take a little more time to get to know me, and less time giving me advice for how they want me to be.

in a reverse application to my life, i'm going to be more understanding of those decisions that i find to be conventional. i'm also going to apply the relevant and applicable pieces of advice they gave me. i've decided to let things go for now, but if it happens again, then i'll have to get a little sassy.

Monday, June 15, 2009

is it okay to say that?

lately i've felt a bit censored in the online community. it's not really that i have obscene things i'm dying to vent in a electronic, public forum, but i would like to think freely, express that, and not worry about who's reading my blog that shouldn't be.

so i've decided to offer a disclaimer...

disclaimer: the content following is personal ranting/rambling from my life. if you are offended in any way, then stop reading my blog.

there, that's done.

on to the good stuff!

this weekend was pretty okay. i mainly relaxed, got no laundry or cleaning done, and saw a pretty funny movie. we went to cuppies and joe on friday, and it made me seriously happy! it was delicious.

on thursday, my friend and i went to a concert at the conservatory. it was also fun, and we had a chance to delve into some topics that have been on the table and not thoroughly discussed.

it truly amazes me what some people have been through. this is likely one of the most kind-hearted people that i know. she's vibrant and always happy, and to hear her talk about her ex makes me want to hunt him down and punch him. she says the same thing about mine, so maybe one day we'll follow up on that. :-)

anyway, it made me think about people and their motivations. even though i've come across some shady people, her ex takes the cake.

i'm convinced he's the most awful person in the world.

it just makes me wonder how people get to be so deceptive, so angry, and just flat out mean. is it all conditional, based on things that happen in childhood? or is it partially innate?

that, of course, brings on an onslaught of questions concerning creation and conditioning.

either way, what motivates different people really shocks me.

i really struggle with seeing the good in everyone, even when they don't deserve it. i just feel eternally positive sometimes, and it has gotten me into trouble.

as much as i hate it, i've realized that i will never understand that kind of person. i'm not built to understand the point of gaining power for pleasure. i don't over-inflate myself to boost my own ego and cover up the shady things i'm actually doing. i don't start fights with people because of my insecurities. i don't cheat on my significant other. i don't tear people down. i know that i'm not always right. i always sincerely want the best for people. seriously.

lately i've really come to appreciate who i am. i'm glad i was created exactly as the person i am/becoming. i'm thankful my parents were/are amazing and raised me to be a genuine person.

i'm also really glad that said friend is now happy, away form the a-hole, and back to the point where she realizes how amazing she is.

if he only knew that he actually made her entirely stronger by trying to tear her down. if he only knew how happy she is now. if he only knew what an idiot he is for letting such an amazing girl go.

even if he never does, all the people that actually matter to her know exactly how lame he is. and really, that's all that matters.

(this blog be dedicated to my angelarito.)

Monday, June 8, 2009

summer, let's do this.

my poor blog.

i've been ignoring it! so sorry!

life as of late has been gloriously busy and chock full of fun. i wouldn't have it any other way.

i'm still trying to process the fact that my baby brother is 21. it is really weirding me out! i've gotten all nostalgic about it. i can literally remember the day that he was born, and that makes me feel very old.

ah well. this weekend was fun! i got to spend some time with ebi and katie.

i made my way home on saturday for ryan's wedding. that was also lovely! i got some quality time with my family, which is always wonderful. they are a group of caring individuals with beautiful hearts and souls. the more i get to know them, the more i realize how blessed i am.

Friday, June 5, 2009

a tan?

excuse me, but i almost look tan. i'm so confused.

it's probably because i'm in the shade, but still...

Thursday, June 4, 2009

allo lovvis

well, june is off to a lovely start.

i'm being productive, and it feels nice.

i've realized that i am booked solid for approximately a month and a half. i like it a lot.

some of the highlights are going to be:

*long-time friend getting married
*because of the wedding, i'm going to see high school friends!
*gay pride parade! huzzah
*planning trips!

so, that's kind of a run-down.

i need to upload pics. we totally cellophaned jordan's entire desk. he took it like a champ!