i'm ready, ready, ready.
this year i'd like to get on the road a little more and see some ball parks that i've never seen.
i'd like to go to a game in denver or boston. i've never been to those, and i hear they are nice.
i'd also like to return to st. louis or atlanta...or even dallas. alas, i just need a serious vacay.
these are my picks for the season. not necessarily their teams, but them as players.
easy pick, you say? well, i don't care. he's adorable and likely the most kind-faced man ever. plus i like his swing. i hope he stays hot all season...that'd be great!
oh frenchy. yes, i do have a slight crush on jeff, but i will never forget the way my heart stopped the first time i saw him hose someone out at home plate from right field. geeze. it gives me chills just thinking about it.
i've had my eye on this guy for years now, being that he's from stilly. i was so excited about his success last year, and i'm really looking forward to seeing his progress this year. rockies, you lose.
i am most excited about this guy! i think that he's learned a lot from renteria, and he's improved so much since he's entered in the mlb. last year was his first walk-off homerun, and i expect to see many more from this guy. he's probably one of the smartest players i've seen in a long time. that coupled with the fact that he's actually good...watch out for this guy, that's all i'm saying.
dear andruw, come back to the braves. boo the dogers.
Hooray! Hi new blog friend, isn't it addicting?
I hope you are doing well.
So, who are your picks for division winners and wild cards?
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