As I'm generally in opposition to the whole idea of clothing, I tend to start removing my clothes as I simultaneously slide my key into its designated slot.
Last night was no new regime. As I reached my bedroom, I had already addressed all the issues of buttons and zippers, and my dress exhaustedly headed for the floor. I quickly joined so that it wouldn't feel lonely. Actually, I really just enjoy laying on the floor.
I called for Bailey, my adorable little weenie dog.
She happily took her cue and wrapped her long body around the top of my head, where my hands greeted her. She excitedly prodded the tips of my fingers, as to gently remind me that she'd like to go outside. After about five minutes of a bliss on the floor, I pulled my weighted limbs off the ground and took her outside.
I came back inside to prepare for a bit of cardio.
I was excited about my run, as I'd made a new playlist for my workout. It was kind of like the excitement of new shoes or new clothes. I figured I'd use that momentum to my advantage.
I had a stellar run, and as I returned to my apartment, I was already shimmying out of my sweat-drenched yoga pants. I stripped to my panties and sports bra and let the cool, air-conditioned air envelope my body. I immediately felt energized, as I generally do after a good run.
I decided on bagging up the trash and preparing it for the long haul to the dumpster. This is likely my least favorite thing to do, unless I have to unload the dishwasher or put away folded clothing...then there's a three-way tie.
Anyways, I worked diligently for about 7 minutes, and then I had a large pile of bags. I thought to myself, I can leave this in here to stink, or I can just set it outside to take to the dumpster in the morning.
Now, I knew very well that there was no way I would get up in time to carry trash to the dumpster, but it still seemed to be the best option. So, I opened the door and began to transfer the bags from my kitchen floor to right outside my door. The thought that I wasn't properly attired for this chore was a fleeting thought, until my roommate's cat decided to take a trip to the parking lot.
Now, this cat is very much an inside cat. I really didn't have any option but to chase her. So, purple panties, gray sports bra, and a very exasperated sigh somehow carried me to the parking lot.
At this point she had realized that inside was way better, and she happily conceded. I swear she was smirking.
I scooped her up and walked back to my apartment. I figured that running would imply that I was embarassed, which would be more embarrassing than taking it like a woman.
Needless to say, the trash is still on the porch, and I will remove my clothing just as quickly when I get home tonight.
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